Christopher M. Hammerly

Christopher M. Hammerly

Assistant Professor of Linguistics

University of British Columbia


I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Linguistics at the University of British Columbia and Director of the Experimental Linguistics and Fieldwork Lab (ELF-Lab). I am a descendent of the White Earth Nation in Minnesota, and much of my work focuses on understanding and documenting my ancestral language Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe). I use a variety of methods to understand the cognitive representations and processes underpinning human knowledge of syntax (sentence structure) and morphology (word structure), including formal theories, fieldwork, computational models, and experimental tasks. I am particularly interested in the nature of the basic units of morphosyntax (person, number, and noun classification), how these units participate in long-distance dependencies such as movement and agreement, and how the work of linguists can be applied to create curricula and technologies for language revitalization.

  • Morphosyntax
  • Psycholinguistics
  • Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe)
  • PhD in Linguistics, 2020

    UMass Amherst

  • BA in Linguistics, 2014

    University of Minnesota

  • BS in Psychology, 2014

    University of Minnesota

Recent Publications

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(2024). On the interpretation of long-distance agreement in Border Lakes Ojibwe. To appear in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory.

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(2024). Linking agreement and movement: A case study of long distance agreement in Border Lakes Ojibwe. To appear in Linguistic Inquiry.

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(2024). The relativized EPP: Evidence from agreement and word order in Border Lakes Ojibwe. To appear in Canadian Journal of Linguistics.

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(2023). A cross-cultural study of language and cognition: Numeral classifiers and solid object categorization. Memory & Cognition.


Recent & Upcoming Talks

A text-to-speech system and Indigenous talking avatar for Border Lakes Ojibwe
An integrated learning platform for Border Lakes Ojibwe
Prominence guides incremental interpretation: Lessons from obviation in Ojibwe
Noun Composition in Mille Lacs Ojibwe
Processing relativization in Ojibwe
